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Cities are becoming increasingly important as innovation hubs. They hold the potential to drive economic growth, decrease poverty and improve quality of life.
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Nevertheless, cities are also facing major challenges, particularly in developing countries. They require well-developed infrastructures and public services, as well as efficient networks interconnecting the city. With this goal in mind, SECO provides support to cities as they analyse their challenges and develop sustainable strategies to overcome them.

Sousse is one such city confronted with numerous challenges. SECO is therefore committed to fostering sustainable urban development there.

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Located on the Mediterranean Sea, Sousse is Tunisia’s third-largest city after Tunis and Sfax, with more than 500,000 residents in the metro area. It faces problems including uncontrolled urbanisation, insufficient public transport and a lack of infrastructure for non-motorised transport.
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The economy in Sousse depends heavily on tourism, yet part of the tourism zone is falling into disrepair and there is no direct connection between the city centre and the sea.
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The city uses energy inefficiently, and only a small proportion of it comes from renewable sources. There are very few green areas in the city and those that exist are not cared for properly.

Sousse’s exposed location also makes it vulnerable to flooding. Bouts of sudden heavy precipitation cause major damage. Waste water and solid waste are poorly managed and pollute the city.

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Weaknesses in planning, financing and implementation make it difficult to define and implement cross-sectoral projects. Synergies are not exploited, and the city government is insufficiently agile and has difficulties developing sources of income.

These problems detract from residents’ quality of life and also make the city less attractive to business.

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SECO activities

SECO has four priority areas for urban development projects:
  • expanding public and non-motorised traffic and promoting sustainable mobility;
  • strengthening protection and resilience against climate-related natural hazards and other extreme events;
  • improving energy management, increasing energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energy sources;
  • supporting corporate governance in the public sector.

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SECO provides funding and expert advice to authorities and interest groups throughout the urban development process, from the planning and development of sustainable policies, to the funding of investments and project implementation. It will be offering this support to Sousse as well.
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Several Swiss partners are working together on the project in Sousse, including urbaplan, TRANSITEC, Planair and INSER. Urbaplan works on the urban development projects, Plainair is responsible for renewable energy-related activities, TRANSITEC does public transport planning and INSER oversees the development of the geographic information system (GIS).

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Initially experts analyse the existing challenges and draw up a report on the current situation. This provides the basis for developing strategies, sketching and prioritising projects and making financing decisions. Local politicians, urban development experts, higher education institutions and residents participate in this process.
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Turning Sousse into a 15-minute city – i.e. reducing the time required for residents to access services – is the vision guiding all measures being taken. This helps to develop the city’s neighbourhoods, supports local businesses and promotes sustainable, climate-friendly mobility.
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Studies are carried out to help set strategic priorities which are presented in urban development plans.
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This plan shows the green spaces that are to be developed in Sousse.
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The second plan shows the future river network. Better connections from the sea to the river network are to be created at the coast in order to minimise the risk of floods. Access to the coast will also be improved.
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This plan shows how public space is to be redesigned. This includes the transport network, along with expanded pedestrian and cycle paths. The aim is to improve quality of life and to simplify and promote walking and cycling.
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With SECO’s support, Sousse will implement a transport plan that takes account of other means of transportation instead of exclusively promoting motorised private transport. This will reduce traffic jams and pollution and make the city more attractive.
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Noureddine Daga

Head of the Energy Department Sousse

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The project is currently in its second phase (2022–2026). Results were already visible in the first phase (2015–2021).

The following overview provides information on selected aspects of the project.

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Boujaâfar Park

improvement and greening

City hall

more sustainable design

Pedestrian zone

expansion and improved safety

Maison du poète

additional landscaping and lighting

Hmadet Douik Park

installation of solar panels

Bouhsina neighbourhood

development and renovation

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SECO is supporting Sousse as the city implements major infrastructure projects during the second phase of the programme, which runs from 2022 to 2026.
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Boujaâfar park

Redesign of Boujaâfar Park

In Boujaâfar Park, street lighting was installed, trees were planted, walkways were renovated and an efficient maintenance service was established.
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City hall

Optimising energy management

The town hall uses less energy due to more ecological construction.
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Pedestrian walkways

Pedestrian walkways

Safe walkways were built between the seafront promenade and the city.
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La maison du poète

La maison du poète

The park is located near a kindergarten in a disadvantaged part of the city. Walkways have been built, trees have been planted and a new scenic viewpoint has been created.
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Hmadet Douik park

Rooftop solar installation

Solar panels have been installed in the Hmadet Douik Park to power lighting in the park. Trees have also been planted.
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Bouhsina neighbourhood

Bouhsina neighbourhood

New public spaces have been developed and roads have been repaired in the neighbourhood.
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Kapitel 2 Challenges

Kapitel 3 SECO activities

Kapitel 4 Planning

Kapitel 5 Results


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