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At the beginning of March 2022, SDC Director General Patricia Danzi and Ambassador Dominique Paravicini, Head of Economic Cooperation and Development at SECO, travelled to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, where they launched a new regional cooperation programme for 2022–26. These joint trips are an ideal opportunity to explore and examine new approaches together.
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The processes set in motion in the region 30 years ago take time to accomplish but also require a shift in mindset. From the beginning, the key to Swiss success here has been a commitment to build and maintain trusting relationships and promote learning and exchange among like-minded people. Given their similar past, the countries of Central Asia continue to face similar challenges today.
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Straddling the geopolitical space between China and Russia, these countries have perfected a balancing act of dancing with the bear and dragon at the same time. The post-Soviet states clearly still have close ties with Russia: the Russian language is omnipresent, and many citizens hold a Russian passport. Labour migration and remittances account for up to 30 per cent of gross domestic product.
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Switzerland maintains a diverse portfolio in Central Asia. It also represents these countries in the same constituency at the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. This has enabled Switzerland to build a special, partnership-based relationship with them over the past 30 years.
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In the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, for example, Switzerland is making its mark: here, mountain guides, ski instructors and tour operators rave about Pontresina and Arosa, the Swiss ski resorts they visited for training and inspiration with the support of Swiss development cooperation.
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Switzerland intends to continue its engagement in Central Asia. Of particular importance is adapting this cooperation to the needs on the ground, especially now in light of the Ukraine crisis. There will be an even greater need for support on economic development, governance and climate issues. The underlying reform processes will remain a crucial issue. Switzerland will continue to support these countries in their economic and political development.
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